Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Just another Spoke in the Wheel

Oh blogger, my anonymous little friend whom I share secrets with yet allow the internet population full access to, what an odd time you have come back into my life. I am at the point now where I take things one day at a time! Recently, the days have been really good, but there are some days when I really don't want to or can't do anything. It's very strange, and I can honestly say that I have never felt this way in my life. Have I fallen prey to some sort of Shakespearean Tragedy? Nah. Could it have gone that way? Perhaps, and maybe it still will. One never can tell.

That's where this little piece of realty in cyberspace comes in I fear, a place to dump my thoughts and emotions just to make some sense of them. To make them more real, tangible, easier to wrestle with. That's where today's blog posting comes into play. I've decided that while I have many, many goals in life I will never find success in them unless I have some record of them on paper, or I guess on file. So that's what I propose to do today, after all, I left a rather lengthy and meaty post yesterday, and I don't have much more to add other than the following goals for what's left of my life.
Here we go:
  • Lose weight/ get in shape.
  • Write something that gets published.
  • Get out of Newfoundland.
  • Get a better job, preferably something permanent and better paying.
  • Go back to school possibly.
  • Change my outlook on life.
  • Write everyday (that includes this blog)
Well that's about it I guess. I can't think of any other goals, though I got a feeling there is something I'm missing there. Oh well.

Over and Out,

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