Sunday, November 26, 2006

You musta been so high...

Hey all,
Trying to keep the updates regular, but it's a little hard. I don't know if you've noticed, but I'm a little addicted to changeing the format of this place. I like what I've got done for now, but I'll keep on adding tweeks here and there.

Not a lot going on right now. I've been working like crazy at Sears, I still haven't had a shift begin past 7 am, as of 2 or 3 weeks right now. This week I even have some 6am-2pm shifts. Very early in the morning...perhaps too early! Ugh! I know that I felt like a bag o' shit this morning trying to haul my ass out of bed at 5am.
As for teaching, I haven't heard anything since, but I'm still content with the fact that I had my first day and made it through without being killed, or killing one of the kids. Hopefully there will be more come my way soon!

In other news, I got my first rejection letter yesterday. Yep, one of my stories was rejected by the magazine. It was one of those generic e-mails that basically said they regretted it, but they just couldn't publish my story at this time. Oh well, I guess it's better than recieving an e-mail saying that my writing totally sucks. I'm taking it pretty well and I haven't lost hope. I understand that rejection comes with the job of being a writer; you win some, you lose some. Hopefully it will make my resolve to write even stronger.
As for writing, I've been really into writing this one story as of late, and Kate has been keeping me on my toes, giving me writing assignments everyday/week. So far her response has been positive.

Well, I guess that's it for now. If anything earth-shattering happens I'll keep you posted.
Catch ya on the flip side,



kevin said...

save all the rejection letters. then when you become rich and famous send them all back to the companies that rejected you. muhahah...

dude, i'd love to have a first draft of the novel for you to read when i get home for christmas....wish me luck!

Jondre the GianT: said...

Kev man, I would love to read your's it coming along anyways?

SteveTP said...

There better be an army of the goddamn undead in that thing by Christmas.

kevin said...

mr. power...there already is. muhahaha. let's just say the main cast are holed up in a warehouse full of virgin mary statues...and the zombies are a-comin....