Thursday, July 06, 2006

Who Stole the Cookie from the cookie Jar?

What's up peeps?
I havn't been gone too long, but I guess I should try and update a little bit.

Okay, to start, seeing Sheavy again this past friday night was awesome. I'd forgotten how good they were live! But, then again, I havn't seen them since December 2001! Sheesh, what a long road it has been. It was also quite the experience for Kate! I think I have corrupted her with some good ole Sheavy metal. I guess it doesn't help that that's all I've been pumping through the two working speakers of my car ever since.

T'was Canada Day this saturday past, and it was pretty good. Me and Kate decided to stay at home that night after a day full of sunshine enjoyment and going to see "Superman". I gotta say, I'm a little disappointed by the movie, though I guess I can't really say I'm surprised. Superman has never been one of my favorite superheroes. But, I thought with Kevin Spacey as Lex Luthor it could be much better. Alas, poor Spacey was made to look more like a walking joke then a maniacal super villain. It's not that I didn't overly like the movie, it's just I didn't think it was anything special. The director should've spent his time on X-Men 3 instead! :)

It was a fun weekend though, I was able to stay at Kate's both saturday and sunday night so that was nice. We took part in some movie watching mania with some pizza and beer on the side. T'was pretty awesome. Kate picked up "Easy Rider" for me in a bargain bin at Dominion for 11.88. I've sort of wanted to see this for a little while, but I was a little disappointed by it. I guess I was expecting more from the movie, but I really should of realized that it was made in the 60s and was going to have some underlying cultural and political messages. Maybe if I was alive when it was originally released I would have enjoyed it more, but ce la vie. (did I spell that right Kate?)

I've been a real slacker lately. I skipped classes on tuesday, only made it to one on wednesday, and I haven't done any assignments in two or three weeks. Don't get me started on assigned readings (I still don't have all my text books)! Blagh! Even talking about being a slacker of a student is boring to me!

Oh well, I'm starting to get excited for Pirates 2, and Clerks 2. Kate and I saw a tv spot for Clerks 2 the other day which was pretty awesome. Looks like all the old gang is back. It's not black n' white, but it looks pretty damn funny.

In computer news, I finally erased everything from my old desktop and handed it over to Dad. He was pretty excited.

Just a little warning. I have six pictures to put up over the next few posts. They are all part of a story, see if you can figure it out.

Watching: Hannibal/ AVP/ Easy Rider

Reading: Micheal Redhill - Fidelity

Listening: Sheavy - Republic?/ Nirvana - Hits/ Led Zepplin - Early Years

Playing: Nothing... I've broken my addiction to SvsR.

Eating: Nothing... I had two bowls of cereal earlier.

Wishing: I had more motivation to write some stuff/ get published/ win the lotto/ was finished school/ I had a mood colored cow.

Blargh.... Chuck just mentioned A&W, I think I might puke.

Catch ya on the flipside,
I don't think my picture workeD!


SteveTP said...

Yo Jon. Easy Rider is one of "those" flicks. Like Taxi Driver, in that it's considered a classic bit of cinema, but it's far from timeless. It's very much a snapshot or representation of how films were being made at that particular time. Either you get into it, or you don't. I can appreciate it, but that doesn't mean i have to love it ;)

Pirates 2 at midnight tonight! WOO!

Jondre the GianT: said...

Steve: Pirates was pretty good. I think what jaded my experience is that I wasn't expecting the ending to setup for the third movie, so I was expecting more closure... but otherwise I really enjoyed it.
Transformers man!! Transformers! Did you see the poster at Studio 12!! GAH!

Kate: Well that's why I got you. My little french dictionary. Making me look smarter and more cultured. lol

SteveTP said...

I LOVED that ending man! :)

Another Sheavy show on August 3rd, day after the wedding rehearsal! :)

Jondre the GianT: said...

I liked the ending.. I just wasn't expecting it.. I was expecting something more concrete!

Wedding rehearsal? When Aug.2? MAn I don't even have my invitation yet... you guys gotta let me know about these things!

SteveTP said...

I was supposed to take yer invite to the Sheavy show, and i ... um... forgot it on the coffee table...

It's still there.

Jondre the GianT: said...

ARGH! Foiled by the blasted coffee table! I guess I'll just have to use my super sneaky spy skills to get into the wedding. (Sheesh, how about some alliteration?)