Monday, June 26, 2006

As calm as Hindu Cows...

Hey all,
I'm trying to keep up with a weekly update, but who knows. Here's the rundown:

School started again today. This offically marks the first day of the summer semester, or the last six weeks of the summer. I've only had one new class (intro to administration) and I feel that I will get my best sleep in years during it, so all is not lost. Next up is my second English Methods course; I have high hopes for this one. The last one let me down pretty hard so I'm not gonna get my hopes too high, but I hear the prof is like the "anti-prof" I guess in a good way, so hopefully all will be well.

June 28th is the drawdate of the "Dream Home". Kate and I have our fingers crossed for that one. Man, how sweet it would be to win that beast. New house, new car, spitting distance to Wal-Mart, Futureshop, and various other retail opportunities. Oh yeah, and that freedom thing I've been complaining about a lot lately. Not that I mind living with my parents, but I really think I should be moving on pretty soon. I think I am the only one of my friends who haven't at least tried a stint on their own. Sheesh, I'm falling behind the groove here.

This weekend was a doozy. Quite excellent. Aside from the working, I was able to stay over to Kate's on saturday night. We ordered pizza, drank beer, and watched the finale of The Ultimate Fighter 3, and just chilled. The next day we woke up at 9 or so and decided to get breakfast out. We went to Cora's, a relatively new joint hailing from Quebec. That being the case (and the fact that she was at the original before) Kate has been very excited about trying it here. I must say, it was pretty good, but it was marred by the fact that I got somewhat sick eating their Crepe, but everything else was good. And wow, what a crazy amount of fruit is provided. Quite the healthy place.

After Cora's we headed over to Wal-Mart to get some pictures developed. While there we looked over the electronics department, and against our better judgement, picked up 5 dvds between us. Yeesh, we are suckers for punishment. I managed to snag Aliens vs. Predator (AVP), Unbreakable, and Dodgeball. Kate made off with White Oleander, and Kiss the Girls all for a reasonable, sweat shop price. After retrieving our pictures we proceeded to watch three of the five movies straight, before entering into a Coronation Street (that's right the British Soap Opera) stint and then calling it a night. What an awesome weekend.

So for those who are doing the math in their head, that's 126 in Jondre's DVD collection. Only what? 2000 more to go to catch up to Steve? The rat bastard!

Speaking of my childhood... I've begun to search for some old television shows/ cartoons I used to watch as a youngster. Namely, The Maxx (the MTV Oddities show based on the comic book), Record of Lodoss War, and (you paying attention Steve?) Visionaries (a kick ass cartoon about guys and gals who can magically change into neon animals and whatnot). Man, it brings me back. I'm trying to get the full series of all of them so I can make some DVDs, cuz God knows they won't make em for me (save Lodoss War, I believe). I tried to take some screen caps, but it didn't quite work out the way I had planned.

In "On the Road to Publication" news, I edited my first story the other day and I think it turned out pretty good. Watiing for my editor (Kate) to get it back to me so I can try and send it off somewhere. I'll probably try and do another one or two this week sometime.

Y'know, I realized the other day, while driving behind a very, very slow car, that if I make it to fifty I will have doubled the age I am right now. I know, I know, simple math, but the implications of which are quite astounding. As of right now, I believe I am a fully formed person complete with personality, mind, education, and everything else. If I have another 25 or 26 years, what else can I do? I guess, I could become a completely different person if I want to, or maybe I will have to. Maybe that's what we do. On one hand, it's very comforting knowing that one has so much time to do what they want, on the other it's quite scary to know that the person I am at this moment may not be the person I am in 25 years. I think I'll go with my intial reaction and be thankful I have so much time.

Anyway, some deep stuff compared to the usual teenage journal stuff I usually postualte over here. Have fun with that. Any takers? Opinions?

Here's the currents bitches:

Watching: Predator 2/ Unbreakable/ Dodgeball/ Kiss the Girls/ Visionaries

Reading: Fidelity (again, Author unremembered).

Playing: Nothing...

Listening: Audioslave - st/ The Tragically Hip - Yer Favorities/ Fu ManChu - California Crossing/ Fu Manchu - Eatin' Dust.

Eating: Nothin' (still digesting Crepe).

Wishing: I was off for the summer/ I was published/ I was finished school.

Peace suckas,


kevin said...

even scarier thought...throw this one around your brain for a few - you could be a completely different person tomorrow. all it takes is one experience to change it all.

okay..enough of that. but you asked for it. dude, I've got all the Maxx episodes burned on disc back home. if you can wait a month you can have em.did you manage to find any Visionary episodes? I was collecting Thundercats for a while...

Thundercats HOOOOOOOOO!

SteveTP said...

I have all the Visionaries episodes on the comp, the first half of them burned to DVD!

They are sweet, but you can't skip from episode to episode which is kind of a drag.

Apparently the entire series is available on a 2-disc DVD set in Kev's neck of the woods.

kevin said...

coolio mang..i'll have to have a look out.