Wednesday, September 17, 2008

The Times They are a Changin...

Well, this should be fun.
I haven't been here in quite a while, since just before my daughter Emily was born. I probably would have kept it up but I was a little surprised and a little distracted by the joyous event. Hopefully you won't hold that against me.
Needless to say things are a little different now. Other than the obvious birth of a daughter (which I will get into at a later date), I've switched jobs, got a new car, and moved out with Kate and Emily.
Life is pretty good.
I started re-reading this blog today and realized that even though it was just mindless rambling it helped me in my writing (I didn't do too bad in those earlier posts), and I was much happier and idealistic back then. Weird how I lost that. Hopefully starting this up again will give me a much needed outlet
for all those frustrating things in life.

I guess that's it for now, but keep an eye out, I'll be back.


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