Thursday, March 02, 2006

I'm curious about life-changing eventS!

There's something to be said about the relaxing effects that a snow day can have on a 23 year old man (who looks at least thirty) with a bad back, over-grown beard, and a tendency to scowl and over eat. School has again taken its toll on me. Not that it has been as bad as before, but I find myself growing weary of it. Perhaps if there was some sort of paycheck involved I would be more inclined to work hard, do my best, and happily show up every day. But as that is not the case... you can only imagine. However, a great thing happened today, that's right, another snow day. This makes the third so far this term. Perhaps I should have taken advantage of this day in order to do some more work... no, not quite.
As I have noted above, I am not being paid for my internship. As well, I am recieving a wopping 6 - 10 hours a week at sears. None of this pays the bills. So today I paid a trip to Traders, my local pawn shop and gave away a shit load of stuff (including 4 ps2 games, 1 ps2 memory card, 1 ps2 controller, 7 cds, and 1 white gold ring) for a grand total of 65 bones. Woohoo. Now, that doesn't sound like a lot but it is pretty close to the amount I was hoping for (70) so I was pleased. With bills in hand, I was out the door and to the bank to pay the man. One bill down, one to go.
Now, I don't know how everyone else feels, but when I have to sell my stuff to pawn shops, it makes me feel a little dirty. Especially when you can tell that they are totally takin' you for a ride on a freight train headed straight up yer arse. Really, the stuff that I brought to them probably cost me way over 100 dollars when I originally got it. I feel embarassed. Used. I feel like a guy named Jamie being put into a jail cell with a guy named Tank - a little sore. Y'know what I mean? Probably not...
In other news, tomorrow is the big day. That's right, tomorrow I finish off my tattoo. It's hard to believe that it has been two weeks since I got the outline done, but then again it is hard to believe that it is March already. I really can't wait til it is all finished, but I am not looking forward to the 3 to 4 weeks of after-care. Right now, the tattoo is pretty much fully healed and ready to go, but after tomorrow it will be back to trying to keep it away from overly hot water, washing it with a luke warm cloth 3 times a day, keeping it dry, and moisturizing it. Blah, who am I to complain? It's going to be pretty kick ass when it is all said and done. I guess I'm just low maintainance. When it's done I'll post some pictures of it if anyone is interested. I may ask my tattoo artist, Krys, if she'll get in a pic with me. Oh well, I'll post something up here.
Anyway, before I go try and do some work here's some currents:

Home Improvement. Wanting to watch a futuristic action movie.

Metric - Portrait of a Girl (video on t.v.). Nothing else, my car stereo won't work.

David Foster Wallace - Oblivion

Smackdown vs. Raw 2006

Stuffed Bagel Bites.

I had lots and lots of money, more motivation, and no more writer's block!

Take 'er easy,
Your friendly neighbourhood Ogre,

P.S.: Kate now has here own blog here on blogspot. I have it linked so go check it out, it should be interesting. She is very poetic, very insightful, and very philosophical.

Later days.


Jondre the GianT: said...

Yeah I can't wait til it is done. I think I am a little anxious about it today! I can't sit still!
As for the scowl, well that's just a chick magnet for sure! (ahh, sarcasm, my old friend). Well I'm glad you're one chick that appreciates it; you're the only one that matters.

SteveTP said...

Yo Jondre! I need a groomsman! You down? :)

Jondre the GianT: said...

Steve: Hells yeah man, I'll be a bouncer, I mean groomsman! :) Anything you need. Anyone you need "taken" care of? eh?