Saturday, March 04, 2006

The big oW!

So, if you've been reading this blog at all you know that March 3rd was the date that I finally finished my tattoo. Well, today is March 4th, and yes, it is quite ocmplete.

Now, back to the title of this post. I'd like to start by saying, tattoos hurt. I mean a your getting a mechanized needle driven into you over and over again, oftentimes into the same place. My last appoitnment was pretty good, I got the outline done, I thought that I was pretty damn tough because it didn't really hurt (well, not as much as I thought it would) so this appointment I walked in cool and confident. However, when Krys started I realized that coloring in a tattoo feels slightly different than just drawing an outline. It hurt just a little more. So I was fine with that, I can handle it. I was watching Almost Famous and Kate was there offering moral support; no problem, right? Well, the part you see in the picture above is probably the least sensitive part of the arm, and notice how much of the tattoo is actually there. Probably the most sensitive part of the arm is underneath, especially near the arm pit. Please refer to the picture below.

Now, in this picture, notice how much ink is actually there and how close to the armpit it is. This section took probably 21/2 to 3 hours of the 4 hours I was there (that is most of Almost Famous and almost half of The Matrix). This was very painful. Now, I'm not going to be one of those macho tough guys and say that I toughed it out with a smile on my face, because I didn't. There was quite a few times when I had to close my eyes, grit my teeth, and squeeze poor little Kate's hand. Neither am I going to be a punk bitch. I certainly didn't cry or pass out. However, I think good ole Johnny Zero may have been a little embarassed by me because there were a few minutes in there when I really, really wanted to tap out and go home. As you can see though, I made it through and got it finished and boy am I glad. I personally think that it looks awesome, and I have no regrets.
As for future tattoos, well, right now I probably wouldn't be able to afford one for 3 years or some other foolish number, but I still want more. For now though, I am quite glad about having this one and I can't wait til it heals fully so I can just wash it like regular.
Props go out to Kate for sitting on a shitty little stool next to me while I was getting my tattoo. She held my hand and put up with everything. Didn't I tell you guys she was great?

Well, that's it for now. I'm sorry for the rant about my tattoo but really that's all that's been on my mind in the past few days. Here's an extra picture for your viewing pleasure.

Watching: T.V.

Listening: Blah...nothing.

Reading: David Foster Wallace - Oblivion (jeez will I ever finish this book?)

Playing: Smackdown vs. Raw 2006.

Eating: McDonalds

Wishing: My tattoo was healed/ that I could get published.

Later days everyone,
Your friendly neighbourhood Ogre,


SteveTP said...

Dude that looks fantastic!

Congrats man. Mom thinks it's cool too! :)

Christine Hennebury (isekhmet/Smartmouth Mombie) said...

Cool tattoo. I plan to get one myself eventually but I'm nervous about the pain. Thanks for being truthful about it.

I found your blog from Kevin's, and now I'm curious. What sorts of things do you write? Where have you tried to get published? (I'm a writer too, hence the questions.)

Jondre the GianT: said...

Thanks all. Yeah I enjoy my tattoo very much aside from the pain and bruise that came along afterwards.
Chris: You should really get one, it is painful but it is worth it (plus, women can handle the pain better appearantely!) Umm... I write short fiction mostly. I have yet to try and publish any of my stuff, but I just entered into the Arts and Letters competition, to try my luck. Here's hoping. What about you?

Christine Hennebury (isekhmet/Smartmouth Mombie) said...

Yeah, it's funny. I've given birth but I'm squeamish about a tattoo - go figure, huh? I will do it though, perhaps when my kids are bigger and less likely to pick at me so much.

I write all kinds of things, personal essays, plays, poetry, and copywriting (business writing) but I really, really love writing short stories. I've been published online and in the newspaper (personal development articles - submitted one about yoga just today) but not in a magazine or anything.

Keep writing!

(I'd be happy to read some of your work if you want a fresh eye looking at it - some of my fiction is at

Christine Hennebury (isekhmet/Smartmouth Mombie) said...

Oops, I forgot to wish you good luck with the Arts & Letters competition.

Jondre the GianT: said...

Chris: Thanks for all the luck. Maybe I will send you one or two of my things to have a look at.

Kate: Sorry dear, I'll repay you by holding you down when you go to get your tattoo. Trust me you'll thank me for it.