Monday, March 13, 2006

Attack of the psycho bitches!

It seems as though this entry is long overdue. It has been ages since I last added one; at least over a week. What can I say? I've been extremely busy. Now, back to the title. Well, last week was indeed the attack of the psycho bitches. First off, I had to deal with my "cooperating" teacher throughout the whole week. I think that her distast for me comes from a personal level, not a professional one, but that doesn't make it any better. I mean, she doesn't even talk to me outside of class, and the only time I hear from her is when she has some sort of negative comment to pass around. I don't even know how to describe the sour look that she puts on her face when she is forced to talk to me. Let's just say that it is very disconcerting. She had me to the point of quitting last week. Yep, she made me feel so useless and stupid that I actual thought I would just up and quit teaching then and there. But no, I prevailed. What worries me, however, is that I only have about 4 weeks left now, and if she thinks that I am so useless how can she pass me? Thus, I am extremely stressed out right now.

The second psycho bitch I had to face this week was a sales lead at work. She basically told me, and Kate, off in front of a floor full of customers because she saw Kate sitting down next to me. It was utterly stupid. I can't even talk about it now, it gets me so upset. Needless to say I have complained about her to two other sales leads for her unprofessional approach and attitude. The worst thing is that it really, really upset Kate, and I just can't handle that. So, if you hear about me being charged with assault against a woman soon, now you know why (just kidding, I wouldn't do that...or would I?).

In other news, the tattoo is coming along really well. Though the past week or so I was shedding little pieces of scab like a dog sheds hair (ewww.. gross). But now it is into what is called the "milk scab" which is a kind of scab that is sort of like a film covering the area and making it a little shiny. I would say about 2 more weeks or so and it will be all good. At least it has stopped hurting now.

Blagh, not much else to say now. I'll try to post more often this week though.



SteveTP said...

Apparently this bithcy teacher of yours is suing the parents of one of the kids who comes up here - sounds like a charming lass this one... ;)

Keep the ole chin up man - think about it - son you'll be calling the shots - hell, you maye end up with her job ;)

Christine Hennebury (isekhmet/Smartmouth Mombie) said...

Wow! That is a shitty week.

Be careful with the details you put on here though, you don't want to get dooced ( if one of them happens to Google your name.