Monday, February 06, 2006

I've got another confession to make: I'm your fool...

Two days in a row, that's gotta be some kind of record.
Well, what's on the agenda today?
-Went to school, taught two courses about Shakespeare's The Tempest.

-Going to the mall to meet up with Kate at 5 so we can get supper together.
- Working from 6 - 10:15 @ Sears

- Probably hanging out with Kate again 'til I gotta go home and sleep and start it all over again.

Urgh. I'm getting a little tired of the constraints that my mew schedule is putting on me. I can't really do anything. On the weekends, when I can do something, I am either working or too tired to partake in anything overly exerting. There are only two things that get me through: Seeing Kate (for those one or two minutes between our work schedules), and coffee. I really can't wait to get back to normal classes; they're a lot less stressful, but I do miss all those English courses that I used to partake in. Man, I wish that MUN offered more creative writing courses for Fiction.

Blagh, not much to say today, probably the same ole, same ole. I should go grab some drugs before work (I got a headache)

Watching: Kill Bill Vol. 1

Reading: David Foster Wallace - Oblivion

Listening: Mp3s (Foo Fighters - Best of You)

Playing: Smackdown vs. Raw 2006

Eating: Greasy McDonalds

Wishing: I could sleep.... yumm...

Hasta Luego,



SteveTP said...

Hey Johnny! Nice to see you! Keep it up man - i'll keep droppin by. All the best with the shaping of the young minds and all that - i hope it works out for you and you find your groove man - i'd love to be able to say at least one of the clan is respectable! ;)
Cheers bud!

Anonymous said... least ONE of the clan is respectable? come on now steve...well, now that i think about it...

cool to see you have a blog jondre, it's good to be able to read about what everybody is doing. haven't updated my lj in a while...the site is blocked on the computer here...bleh

Jondre the GianT: said...

Hey guys, thanks for the comments. Yeah I'm trying to keep this thing pretty up to date but its hard with the hectic schedule. Hey monkey, nice seeing ya mang, keep in touch more often!
Ugh, so incoherent, so tired!

SteveTP said...

Come on Kev- you're workin in a GIRL's school :)

Respectable how? :)